Sitemap - 2024 - C.J.’s Whispers of Knowing

Be-ingness: The Reality

Who is in Charge?

The Inner Eyes of Oneness

Our Higher Self Trust

When we Become Nothing, we Become Everything

Oil and Water do not Mix

The Revelation of Oneness and Truth

Thinking is not Knowing

The Third Eye: Clairvoyance

Book Review: "Unexpected Miracles"

Our Lifetime: Our Human Journey

Was it a Dream or a Vision?

Reality is Limitless Conscious Awareness

A New World: Conscious Awareness

The Ability to see with Knowing-ness

My Guide. The Second Contact.

A Daughter’s Precognitive Warning

"Time to Remember"

Knowing Within Consciousness

Heaven Street in The Universe

Justice in the Universe

Presence in the Now

A Vision of Unaware Souls

My Journey to Discovery

Inner Breath and Outer Breath

Our Awakening is Ours

Life is the Only Truth

Living the Illusion

The Art of Waiting

Doorways to the Universe

How do We Know We're Aware?

The Tolling of Human Time

Children: Memories of Reincarnation

A Doubter's Whispers

Teaching Children About Awareness

Your Journey Back Home

We are not Judged for our Choices

Writing for Healing

Who Will You Be?

The State of Dis-Ease

A Precognitive Dream Experience

Ideas of Love Dissolve Within the Light of Truth

Real Magic goes Beyond Mind, Imagination, Emotion, and the Unconscious.

Serendipity vs. a Whisper

Love Puts us on Another Plane

Control is a Refusal to Accept what Is

Does Age Affect What We Care About Life?

Love is Much More Than Words ...

Feelings are The Real Deal

We’re not as Stupid as we Once Thought …

How can Anyone be Done with Love?

False Reality of Beliefs

To Look Within

The Creative Force of the Universe: Love

Where are we Headed?

Poem: "After A While"

Too Close to See the Big Picture

The Doorway Out of Fear is Awareness

Vulnerability: a Badge of Honor

Human Awareness ...

Truth and Awareness

The Silence is Golden

The Universe Works in Mysterious Ways

Facing your Fears and Healing

Awareness: The Greatest of all Gifts.

Whispers from the Other Side

Taste the Magic of Awareness

Turning Thoughts into Things

Have you Ever Felt Invisible?

Rebirth of Aware Souls

Earth Death and Reincarnation

Feeding the Ego

So Tell me, Who is Micah?

Who is This Dinahh?

Awareness and Meeting My Guide

Meditation: Just my thoughts …

Focus your Attention in the Silence

The Bright Orange Jumpsuit

When We Become Nothing, We Become Everything

We Are What We Seek ...

The Eyes, The Eyes, it’s all in The Eyes

Teach Children to Feel

Conscious Awareness and Love

Children and Their Imaginary Friends

The Dream About Water

A Vision of Alphabet Letters

The Gift of a Lifetime

My Introduction to Awareness

Who we Truly Are

Truth is Our Understanding of Self

Knowing is the Nature of Consciousness

The Key to Unlock the Hearts of Others

The Secret to Longevity in Love

Mistaken Identity: Who Am I?

Spiritual Experience

Guest Writer: Simone Senisin


You are Already Spiritual

All That You Want to Be

The Universe and Love

We Cannot Heal, if we do not Feel.

What’s the Most Important Spiritual Virtue or Practice?

Accept Your True Identity

Twin Flames and Twin Souls

Have I Met my Soulmate?

Synchronistic "Wheels of Time"

Meditation With or Without music?

Which Unit of Time Matters Most?

Awakening and the State of Being Aware

Vulnerability and Love

My First Astral Travel


The Most Life-Changing Lesson I've Learned on my Spiritual Journey

Truth is Infinite

Teaching Awareness to a Little Girl:

Strangest Part of my Life

Everything Happens for a Reason

Being Wise vs. Wisdom

Vision: Death by Wolf

What is Enlightenment?

The Ego - Judge, Jury, and Executioner

Be Conscious of Consciousness

There are no Wrong Choices

Enlightenment: A Path of Awakening

Enlightenment is Not a Destination

Dealing with Pain

Listening to and Following the Heart

The Loss of Innocence

Journey to Spiritual Healing

The Power of Writing

Astrology and Higher Awareness

Meditation: Our Doorway Home

Importance of Acceptance

Spiritual Enlightenment

Exercising Trust

It’s Out of Our Control


First Experience in the Astral Realm

Personal Awareness Quotes

Making a Better Life

The Gift

A Guide to Spirit Guides

Gurus, Shaktipats and Attunement

Ego Takes the Focus from Truth

There are no Secrets in the Universe

Our Personal Religion

Do Angels Really Exist?

Channeling. What's Channeling?

When You’re Old, How do You Cope?

The Sweet Magic of Life


"We live" and "We die?"

We're All Given the Same Gift at Birth

Silence, Duality, and Going Home

A Lesson in the Silence

How Do You Feel?

To Hear Your Whispers

Right-ness and Truth

The Healing Memory

It takes Courage to be Aware

Teach the Children to Feel

What is Our Personal Value?

You Don’t Find Love. It Finds You.


Miracle of Existence


Are You a Knower or a Believer?

The Awareness of Women

The Story Behind Gemstones and Crystals

The Universe's Longevity


A Guest Post: by Robert Cosmar

All Journeys are Different

Believing vs. Knowing


The Timing is Perfect


The Silence

Testing Patience

My Journey So Far

Sit Down and Write


It's all Connected

If You Have to Follow

Honesty and Truth

Learning Awareness

Change the World

Searcher vs. Knower

My Human Journey

For Valentine's Day

The Wounds of War

Involuntary Thoughts

Living - Dying

Whispers and Feelings


From the Heart

Deja Vu

Plane of Consciousness

Hope for Healing

Going "Home" Again

Being in Love

Voluntary vs. Involuntary Thought



Hippy Awareness


A Meditation


The River

Inner Self/Intuition

The Wolf

The Labyrinth


Passing the Torch

Dreams vs. Visions

Whispers of Awareness

What is Beauty?

There is a Lesson in the Silence