So very informative C.J.!! Love it 😍

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Thank you! I’m glad you do, Kristin. I get a lot of help from my guide, Dinahh. 🙏✨

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Lovely, C.J. Do you have a regular (or irregular) meditation practice? Of course, the more one meditates, the more one realizes there is no true boundary between time spent sitting and time spent elsewhere in our lives, which is a big part of why such things are valuable.

Nevertheless, I try to just sit (sometimes with an audio guide, sometimes in silence) for at least 10 minutes a day. It's not a lot, but the more I stick to it, the more I value it.

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Hello Mike. Meditation is a personal thing. What works for you today may be different tomorrow. Whatever works for you is the way you should meditate. It isn’t something we do, that comes with a set of rules to follow, if you know what I mean. It should be however you feel most comfortable.

I’m very unorthodox. I start out every night the same way —I’m in bed. As usual, I peel off the day’s worries and constraints, and quiet my Ego, empty my Mind of thought, then find the Silence, let it fill me.

If it’s a meditation night, usually I can contact Dinahh from the Silence. If it isn’t a meditation night, I can usually fall asleep from the Silence.

I can’t sit in a chair or cross-legged on the floor like most people. Sitting still isn’t high on my list so I can’t quiet myself or get to the Silence.

Unorthodox, yeah. But it works for me.

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Thank you for sharing, C.J.

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