I fall foul of thinking my mind knows and forget to check my heart. Thank you for this reminder.💫

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You're welcome. It happens to all of us sometimes, Trudi. ❤️💕

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Most of us, me included for almost all my life except for the very early days and in the recent ones, now, think of knowing as having answers to questions.

I have come to realise that questions are the equivalent of opening up to noticing what is without seeking answers, which only serve to close it all down again.

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Hello Matthew. You are on the right track, my friend. It has been my experience and from what guidance has shown me, true Knowing is when the Consciously Aware are given answers to questions they didn’t have to ask. You Know. You don’t always know how you Know, you just Know. To take it one step more, Awakening is more than just getting answers. It’s the process of experiencing Reality.

I hope this helps, Matthew.

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Thank you for your kindness! I have gained so much knwledge over many years that one daughter described me as ‘Dad, in Google form’.

Yet I know that I know buggerall worth knowing and am content to leave it so; this way there is space for so much more noticing instead.

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Love this C.J.

One of our favorite sayings is you don’t know what you don’t know.

As a nurse I get paid to think critically and also must know when I don’t know the answer. It’s life saving. My favorite thing to do when I leave work is not think, just be.

😉 💫 💛

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Perfection, Kristin 💕❤️

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This brought me a lovely feeling of peace. Maybe because I tuned into my heart today to write about my horse. My heart-horse ❤️🙏 Thank you for this❤️

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Thank you for your lovely comments, Francesca. I’m all for feeling peace! 💕💕

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