Gorgeous and deeply true.

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Thank you, kind sir.

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wise and incredibly important share.

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Thank you, Megan. Thank you very much.

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Finding home within is all I see. Thank you for this explanation and reminder

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Thank YOU, Elizabeth.

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Hi C.J, yes … breathing certainly works for me if my thoughts come knocking too hard instead of keeping quiet fluttering in the background… that’s when l am meditating. And when in my day to day state, a pause and a few breaths does help abate the ego when poked, with mixed success 🤣😊

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It sounds so easy when i read it, C.J. but I know how hard it can be to slip into silence.✨

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Hello Trudi. Let me tell you a way you might not have thought of. What works for me is, when I get in bed at night. Just like every night when I’m getting myself ready for sleep, I lay there dropping my cares and worries off, one by one, so I can sleep. It doesn’t take too long before the day’s junk is all gone and everything is quieted. That is the Silence, Trudi. Right there. I just let it grow and it gets bigger until I’m a part of it and I can leave my body and slip into the other side —the Astral side.

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Thank you! I’ll try that.

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Okay, good. Please let me know if that's easier for you. 🙏🙏🤍🤍

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Thank you for reminding me that home is within me. I shall be practising this on the silent retreat I’m attending this week ✨🙏🏼❤️

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