Yes. This makes perfect sense. I’ve always thought there is no wrong choice, just a different journey and many lessons along the way. Thanks for posting this, CJ.

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Thank you, Lauren

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Your writing resonated with me deeply, C.J. Thank you. I’m much more aware of those nudges and prods now more than ever, yet, the smallest decision can lead to a different path entirely.

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Thank you, Jenn. It’s very true, each path has lessons for us and each one is perfect for us at the time. I feel it could be your guidance gently nudging or quietly prodding you when they know or are aware you need to experience an important lesson or message down a certain path.

I am just like you, Jenn, opening my heart to find my truths and learning a little more every day. I’m glad you are on this journey with me.

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This touched me deeply this morning, C.J. I have never thought about being born into a group of souls. That makes sense. I've understood we meet the same souls over again to learn the lessons needed in each lifetime. Is this the same thing? Sending gratitude for you. 💕

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Good morning Trudi. I’m almost awake (grin). With God and the Universe, we are each seen as being on our own separate journey to awareness. Each of us has the ability to sense and feel the energy, and to use the gifts we have been given. Everything is as it should be and we are in our own perfect rhythm. No choice is a wrong choice -- we have lessons to learn from each of the choices.

When soulmates meet in an incarnation, there is something for the two souls to realize together. It could be a lesson to be learned from one to the other, to grow and further evolve. It is also possible they will meet only to lessen karma. This is important, too.

Is this what you asked?

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Good morning C.J! I think it’s similar. I think mine was more about reincarnation and lessons that are carried by souls including contracts between souls that are hopefully fulfilled in an incarnation. This fits with your point, I think. 💫

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