Sep 2Liked by C.J. Heck

This resonates with me strongly. Yet when we remain unawakened (as I did for many years), how do we know we need to awaken? Is it different for each one of us, do you think?

Namaste, C.J 🙏🏼

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Yes, it is probably different for each of us, although I don’t think it comes as ‘having a need to awaken’.

For some, they realize they need a change and they read or hear something from an aware soul and decide that’s the change they’re looking for.

Another may have a crisis in their life and awareness is almost immediate.

Someone else may get contacted out of the blue by their guide, who starts the learning process.

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Yes! Both teacher and the one taught! I agree completely

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WOW C.J ... your last 3 posts ... just bringing it all home for me in a rush of synchronicity. Thank you💜.

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That’s interesting —maybe we’re Consciously connected somehow, or truly soul sistas! ❤️

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I just keep adding your snippets to the a-ha moments of clarity your wisdom keeps gifting me in contextualising this week’s post. Thank you … l think so … ❤️🥰🙏🏼

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I feel the same about your post from yesterday. It’s so full of wisdom that I have to digest it in parcels (I said before I’m still new to all of this).

Thank you for your oh so kind comments. ❤️💕🙏

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Thank you for holding so many of us in this space 💜🥰

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