Well-said, C.J. In my opinion, organized religion has created institutions requiring obedience to rules and laws rather than a means to foster the creativity and freedom that transcendence allows.

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Beautifully said, Paul. Thank you for your thoughts!

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If I look with the eyes of love, I will see God everywhere. Thank you for the wake-up call.

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You’re welcome, Lauren. Thank you for your comments and thoughts.

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“Clay and iron”

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Thank you for your support, Charlotte. ✨❤️

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Always my pleasure @C.J. Heck ✨🤗

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The thing I like most about organised religion are the empty cathedrals. They’re beautiful places to meditate and pray without needing rules 💫✨

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Yes, they’re beautiful.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 22
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To Everyone:

It's unfortunate, but today I felt it was necessary to Block, Mute and Ban a member who was being argumentative, demeaning and rude. I have also removed his comments. His name is David Angel.

If you see or hear that he is still being disrespectful, or talking smack about me behind my back, I would appreciate it if you would report him. It's the only recourse we have against people like that. Thank you all for your help and support.


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I think it was warranted only that he just wouldn’t quit. And I’ll agree with you CJ that maybe it would have been better done via DM. I’ll keep my eyes open too.

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Thank you, Ken, I knew I could count on you. Did you read his comments before I deleted them?

I appreciate your support, Ken.

hugs and love

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Yes I did. It was hard to stomach, really, and I wondered if you were going to mute or not. Again, I think you were justified in your action. You gave him an opportunity and he kept pushing. Although I kind of understood what he was trying to say, not that I agreed, but his method stunk. Some things are just better off done off page.

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I talked about it with my partner, Robert, (https://robertcosmar.substack.com/) and he felt it wouldn’t matter what I said, he would argue and debate it forever.

Again, thank you for your support, Ken.

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Of course 🤗

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Thank you, Trudi. I knew I could count on you.

hugs and love 😊😍🙏🙏😉

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David, I respect your difference of opinion, although it would have been more respectful on your part to have sent it in a private message, rather than post it on a public forum. What it tells me is you are not Aware, nor are you ready to be Aware. You are trying to mentally understand Conscious Awareness and that just can't be done. Awareness comes from feelings and feelings come only from the heart.

I am not going to argue with you. If you don't agree, then don't read what I write.

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