hehe. here we are. namaste.

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Sep 1Liked by C.J. Heck

Thank you.

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You’re welcome, Bliss.

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Good morning C.J, yes … people label their beliefs and perspectives truths, which leads to the ego-mind identification. And human truths are temporary because opinions change - whereas universal truths are permanent 💜.

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You’ve got it, my friend. Universal truths are permanent and forever. 🙏🙏💕💕

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Whooooooooo Hoooooooo Thank you and Bless You. Off to work I go😊

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I hope your day is memorable, kind, and rewarding.

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Thank you 🙏🏼. At my desk now 💜

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True! Life is truth. It is precious and god given gift. We expeience and enjoy our journey on daily basis. It needs effort. We have to struggle to lead the life. Choice is yours. Everything is in your hands. Believe! Belief process is ultimate. Life is predetermined. We just follow and do our best give our best hope for the best. No doubt we get the best. If our mind is good it happens good in all walks of life. Death is certain. No need to worry. People will come and go in life cycle. It is truth. It is fact. It is must. Realize! Respond! Respect! Relieve! Recognize! Recoup! 🙏

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Amen! Well said!

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