Good morning C.J, yes, justice is linked to judgement and that is about the ego. The universe matches vibration, so yes, we need to take responsibility for our choices around things we can and can’t control … often not easy . The fascinating aspect for me is that the Universe makes no mistakes … so that we have ego as part of our human experience … free will … is not a mistake, it is part of the mystery of the design. Our ego prods us to choose differently, just that humanity is still trying to work that out … as evidenced by wars and other atrocities.. 😊🙏💜

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… how we respond to Ego can directly result in Karma, too.

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Our choices emit a vibration which the universe responds to … Is that how we get karma. And from past lives etc? Karma is interesting to me C.J, l haven’t been in that space much … have you written about it? I just read your other post about the ads and had a giggle because the mashed potato and gravy was what l liked most 🤣. Re the slogan, totally agree with you … creepy. 😊

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I haven’t written too much about Karma, but I have an elementary one almost finished that I’ll post maybe Monday. As I understand it, all Karma is directly related to Ego. When we follow our heart, do what our guides suggest, or heal an old wound we may have caused, for instance —can create good Karma. Negative emotions working with Ego can create bad Karma. i.e, wishing great harm on another being, doing what you know is hurtful. Karma is one of those areas that I understand the basics of, but I often struggle to find the right words to describe.

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Thanks C.J, a result of ego choices makes sense … my wondering is about intergenertational patterns and trauma … l have read about karma in terms of a punishment like concept … which doesn’t resonate with me as the universe isn’t about punishing. We may incarnate to perhaps try and break patterns in our soul groups… every life is of our souls choosing … so releasing karma would need to come from a love base other than an l owe type of sense … do l make sense. 😂 Maybe something for Dinahh?

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Dinahh’s explanation is so ambiguous as to puzzle me even further. I suppose I could wait to find my truth, my answer, but it’s like you said, the Universe isn’t about punishing. It’s also not about laws or right and wrong —those are human-created constraints. Then top it all off with conscience. That’s ambiguous, as well, and not created by the Universe either. It all brings me back to the Ego and humanity where these laws were created to have some sort of plan for everyone living together and getting along. The long and short of it is, the Universe doesn’t really recognize right and wrong, good and evil … we are free to choose our own paths on this human journey. The Universe doesn’t even care how long it takes us to travel our human journey. “Everything is just as it should be” (Dinahh’s own words), God doesn’t make mistakes. So … we’re back where we started, aren’t we?

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Yes, we are and I love it 💜 ... and your clarity about us therefore needing to wait until our truths about this arrive. That's the best advice C.J ... but in the meantime, the wondering is OK. I use the word wondering purposely because I have learned that thinking about it is of the mind. In the wondering, it is more like I am putting a question out to the universe, and she will answer when she's ready. Thanks C.J🥰

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I like how this clarifies the role of ego and how our perception of justice is altered when we view situations through this lens, thank you!

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Thank you, Trudi.

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