Wow C.J. does Dinahh ever pick up where he left off with a vision? I remember reading that water is thick across the veil and has even more healing properties than on Earth … maybe the unworn people were having some healing as they were lead … somewhere. That is all fascinating. Trudy mentions William Blake, he is one of my favourite poets. He wrote a collection, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, to compare directly … (eg read Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow as a pair).hence they are about choosing darkness or light. Hope you’re having a great day. 💜

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I’ll look up the beginning of my journey when I first met Dinahh. I didn’t know meditation from medication at that point. My beginning coincided with Robert and I becoming a couple. there were 3 very strange occurrences where physical objects (Dinahh called them signs) were moved in my apartment. Robert was the Consciously Aware of the two of us. I had no idea what that was, or why this being named Dinahh was bugging me. I’ll find it for you. I was “thrown” into Astral Travel for my first experience and it scared the bejeesus out of me, especially when I left my physical body to go there.

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Hi C.J, l am on a break at work, 🤣 so good timing. How amazing, your journey with Dinahh. I will be interested to hear what he says. He William Blake, his work is contextual of course, embedded in his time and societal influence. Meaning that l read him in that context… he was a visionary for his time etc. I studied his poetry in high school and loved how he spoke to his times etc. 🙏🏼💜

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A visionary … what did he see?

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Wow, l guess what stands out most for me was that his work challenged many of the social norms of the time and he had to not always go about it directly. He had visions of more inclusivity. Gotta run, got students waiting to give their presentations. Been a while since l visited Blake 🤣❤️💜

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I enjoy reading these whispers so much. There is such deep learning in each one. This lesson brought to mind the artwork of William Blake. I wonder if he saw the same visions as you, C.J.? ✨💫

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Hello Trudi. Thank you. I’m glad you enjoy them. Who is William Blake? Is he here on Substack?

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Oh how I wish he was! He was a poet, artist and visionary who was seen as mad by some of his contemporaries (he saw angels sitting in trees when he walked through London) but he wasn’t crazy, just deeply intuitive. Here’s a link to his artwork based on Dante - these are the pieces that came to mind as I read your whisper https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/william-blake-39/blake-illustrations-dante

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Hello Trudi. I went to the link and looked at the artwork —it was very well done, he was a talented artist, but I found it to be very depressing. It was even frightening in some respects.

Later, I want to return to the link and read his posts. Thank you.

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One of my favourite poets, William Blake. 👏😊

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Me too! 🤗

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What a visionary he was … wow 🤩.

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I’ll have to look into his writings. Thank you.

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